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Essay Topics

Top Persuasive Speech Topics for Paediatric Nursing and Beyond 2024

Written by Admin

Oct. 10, 2024 • 10 min read

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Persuasive speeches can be a fun way to get students to share their views, dispute and discuss various topics, and enhance reasoning abilities. It remains all-important, therefore, to select a subject that will prove interesting to the audience when giving a speech.

It seems that with the help of this kind of assignment, one can obtain an unlimited number of topics in fact relating to any sphere of interest from health care to significant social issues, taking into consideration the growing tendency in such a field as paediatric nursing.

In this article, we will highlight some interesting and enjoyable persuasive speech topics that will assist students in raising the curtain on their reception.

Why Choosing the Right Persuasive Speech Topic Matters

An appropriate theme does more than grab the viewers’ attention; it outlines a basis for the subsequent exchange. The right topic should:

  1. Engage the Audience: A topic dear to the audience will help keep them tuned.
  2. Engage Emotions: Pick something that you believe in, as people will be able to identify the passion you have in your voice.
  3. Promote Discussion: Good topics also put pressure on the speaker as well as the rest of the people; the topics make them think.
  4. Make an Impact: From changing people’s mindsets to editing actions, an impactful topic lingers.

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Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas for Students

Below is the list of powerful persuasive speech topics that may seem engaging for students. The stated subjects are distributed in the themes of social concerns, health care, and education to ensure that every type of learner finds a topic of interest.

  1. Health and Wellness

  • Is junk food permitted in school cafeterias?

The students can discuss the effects of bad nutrition and whether the schools should intervene in healthy choices.

  • Is mental health as important as physical health?

Through this topic, one can bring about discussions on how essential mental health is in schools and if the school is doing enough to keep its students mentally fit.

  • Is vaccination compulsory for every student?

The topic of vaccinations perhaps has been on the ‘lying down’ list of the most discussed issues in the ongoing decade. The students are able to bring out the pros and cons of having mandatory vaccinations, more so if it is related to schools.

  • Is the school sports program advantageous to students?

Discuss both the physical and psychological advantages of school sports, whether they help or hinder students in their academic way.

  1. Social and environmental issues

  • Should students be made to partake in community service while in school?

This question opens up debate about just what community involvement entails and whether everyone should undertake it.

  • Is climate change the biggest threat that humanity is facing?

A review of the impacts of climate change to open the door for finding potential remedies opens debate about what roles there should or should not be between individuals or governments.

  • Should we limit the time for using a screen a day by each student?

In this increase in technology use, this concerns the potential harm that too much screen time may have and if it's within the school's sphere of control.

  • Is recycling enough?

Students can argue that recycling is more than enough and everything else should be done to try and give in to preventing the tragedies that are waste.

  1. Technology and Education

  • Should schools become digital textbook consumers?

The cost, access, and environment make up the issues of going digital in the classroom.

  • Can online classes replace traditional learning?

This issue can be opened up with the growing popularity of online learning and if it is comparable in quality to a traditional classroom session.

  • Should coding be taught in school as a core subject?

In a technological world, students can discuss why coding is important and if it should be in the same league as reading and math.

  • Is social media bad for students?

This topic includes how social media affects young people, following on such issues as cyberbullying, mental health, and the balance of connectivity and privacy.

  1. Medical and Health Topics with a Focus on paediatric Nursing

  • Should minors under 13 years have the right to choose regarding their health care?

This could be a question on the rights of minors regarding health issues, such as paediatric nurses' obligations toward children's decisions about healthcare.

  • Do school campus health clinics have a place?

Students may consider whether schools ought to provide that health services must be available; if so, why must paediatric nursing be available in the school environment?

  • Should there be a time when children should start learning how to maintain a healthy diet?

This persuasive speech topic has underlined early education as the key that can help develop lifelong healthy habits that can subsequently reduce paediatric health issues.

  • Is childhood obesity the parents' or government's burden?

This topic challenges students to think about what different institutions do differently in tackling childhood obesity and how paediatric nurses might come in handy in preventive care.

Read this blog: Nursing Homeworks Help

  1. Policy and Government

  • Should every eligible citizen be forced to vote?

This is one of the courses where discussion may occur on the benefits or/and drawbacks of compulsory voting, and within this debate, whether it would have an impact on citizens’ voting activity.

  • Should people of sixteen years and above be allowed to vote?

Youth might consider the argument for lowering the voting age and whether it would positively influence politics.

  • Is the minimum wage too low?

This is one of the hot topics, discussing economic issues and effects of wage policies upon the two main players, the workers and the business.

  • Should the government provide free college education?

This is a topic discussing how affordable higher education should be and whether a free college will make the workforce educated.

  1. Personal Development and Life Skills

  • Is a college education absolutely necessary?

With rising costs for higher education, a student can argue that a degree is not necessary and other forms of education are equally as valuable.

  • Is there a place for teaching financial literacy in schools?

Money management skills are often not taught in classrooms. A student can argue for or against the need for such skills to be learned from an early age.

  • Is it better to work for yourself or for someone else?

This topic allows students to weigh the advantages of entrepreneurship against the latter, conventional employment.

  • Do standardized tests accurately measure the aptitude of a student?

Students could debate if such exams would accurately portray a student's knowledge and abilities or whether other assessment tools need to intervene.

Also read this article: A Comprehensive Nursing Case Study Writing Guide

How to Choose and Research Your Persuasive Speech Topic

  1. A Topic Taken from Personal Interest: A topic about which you have a personal interest; then, automatically, your research will not be dull and your speech will catch many's attention.
  2. Keep your audience in mind: Have some ideas what may catch the readers' interest and relate to their lives.
  3. Research Both Sides: To develop an argument persuasively, you will need to know your arguments from two sides. This will also help you weaken opposing views.
  4. Talk to Credible Sources: Information and statistics from credible sources would give the much-needed credibility to your presentation.


Persuasive speeches are an invaluable forum through which the voices of the students are channelled and connected to the plight of the world today. Whether social causes, health care, or cutting-edge technology, there's a topic that will resonate in you just as it will in your audience. Passion, preparation, and the fortitude to challenge the status quo are all integral elements in winning a persuasive speech. So go ahead and pick that subject that gets you going, do your homework, and get ready to persuade and influence!


1. Can you give some ideas on persuasive speech which falls under the specialty of pediatric nursing?

Subtopics such as vaccination for children, healthy diet and the effects of technology on kids health is relevant and useful.

2. Where do I find the right persuasive speech topic ideas that shall be relevant and favorable for my audience?

Select topics that are related to children’s health such as early mental health intervention or play therapy, then reduce it down to what you have passion for and what seems to gain traction.

3. Do you have a list of persuasive speech suggestions for pediatric nursing and are relatively easy to research?

Issues like compulsory child immunization and nurses’ part in fighting obesity or the use of family centered care model etc, have several literature and research papers available.

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