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Sample Reports

Internship Report / Company Project Report Sample Pdf Download

Written by Admin

June 23, 2023 • 10 min read

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How to create a Summer Internship Report  / Company Project Report ?

The Internship Report / Company Project is a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the in-company training experience/project assignment. As such, the report should cover the forms/ letters/ agreements/contents/topics/ as detailed below and will be guided by the concentration. The student is required to consult with the faculty supervisor and the syllabus for detailed report format.

Recommended Format of company project / Internship Report

  • Letter from ADUC To Company
  • Signed Acceptance Letter from The Company
  • Contractual Forms – (appendix I and II of the manual)
  • Company Evaluation Form (appendix IV of the manual)
  • Attendance Sheet (appendix VI of the manual)
  • Table of contents - chapter and sub section wise
  • Acknowledgement

Chapter 1

Company overview: History, Ownership, Management/Product/Service portfolio

Introduction to project- The Internship / project assignment; job description reflect on title ; critically reflect on the need of study and other related issues in the company ; brief literature review in the concerned field/ area of concentration

Chapter 2

Methodology of study (starts with problem statement, objectives of study, justify design or choice of study method or model used, specify source of information, data collection methods and tools used for analysis)

Chapter 3

Log of activities conducted during company project work

Critical analysis of information as guided by the concentration

Findings generated and analysis done as per the study design (may be reported through graphs, pictures, tables, detailed opinion statements as per requirement)

Chapter 4

Critical issues & Recommendations ( reflection on problem areas- suggestions made on ethical grounds; to be aligned with findings and the analysis conducted as much as possible)

Chapter 5

Accomplishments by the student in terms of experience & skills gained in a multicultural environment Scope for future and limitations encountered.

Conclusion-Summary of major issues highlighted through the study and the critical findings and solutions suggested. References (APA style)

Appendix (survey forms, charts, tables, any additional information)

Click Here to Download Sample Report

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